DNS: Domain Name Server

As we already learned, a Domain Name Server is a machine running a service which virtually translates hard-to-remember IP addresses (such as in easy-to-remember domain names (such as "streambox.org"). In the DHCP automatic IP assignement, the DHCP server informes your computer about a default DNS to use when translating IPs into domain names. Usually, a gateway redirects your DNS requests to a DNS server, that means you can usually assign the gateway IP also as DNS, wich will simple forward it to DNS assigned by default by the ISP (Internet Service Provider).

It is also true that some DNS are extremely slow, de facto slowing your Internet navigation, as is the case of DNS provided by ISP's Spain or in some european cities. You will notice that because, while upstream and downstream speed remain constantly fiable, each time you try to connect to a new computer, such as a browser's web page request, you have to wait long time 'till the page starts to send data.

It is always good to have an alternative reliable DNS IP if the one assigned by the gateway is slow. Sooner or later you will be in need of. Here we list two DNSs that are very reliable, the ORSN public servers:


streambox dns gateway computer