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This course interacts with the StreamBOX live-CD, a GNU/Linux distribution which gives you the possibility to have a complete and open source radiostreaming-computer from (mostly) any machine without having to install it to the hard disk!
During this course, we describe various tool for the three most used Operating Systems, such as 2006: Microsoft, Macintosh and GNU/Linux. We also describe the usage various tools working for those OSs, some of them protected by strict copyright rules, others licensed in the terms of the GNU General Public License and its variants, or in the terms of the Creative Commons licenses. We cannot maintain a neutral position about this two opposite ways of thinking and acting about computer software. This e-learning-module has been edited strictly using Open Source tools supported under a GNU/Linux Debian distribution. We strongly recommend you always to prefer such kind of tools to the commercial copyrighted ones.
This e-learning-course is part of the project.