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What is StreamBOX-LiveCD?

StreamBOX-LiveCD is a selfmade, KNOPPIX based Boot-CD, which is specially designed to stream MP3. Also there are some programs to stream in the OGG-Vorbis-Format. If you ask, why I reinvented the wheel, because you know of the very nice dyne:bolic project, please read my Dyne:bolic page. Concrete the following programs should help to get the streaming working...: Also I wrote a detailled streaming-howto, which should teach people to stream over the internet very easily. You can grab this document as a postscript-file to print.

Monoblock B gave also two songs (Hit II & Gruenpop) from his CD "Alarm" for this boot-cd. Samred Talupinam made especially the song "The irresistible machine" for this cd.

streambox was also a project done by jaap: Streambox is a web interface for live mp3 streaming: Please see it's webpage on

Thanks to:
Some individuals: Harry, Frank, Adriane, Bianca, MTO, Samred Talupinam, Kej, Jeremy, Jaap, Bonzai, Ahmet, Maulwurf, Darkveggy, Reni, Monoblock B
and Radio LoRa

Copyleft - info(a)streamboxDOTorg